Integrated production power, fast delivery, flexible production, fast fashion, trend thinking

The Turkish textile sector, which can successfully carry out all production stages from raw material to final product, has a privileged position on a global scale with its integrated production power.

The Turkish textile industry, which can turn its integrated production capacity of $90 billion into a fast delivery advantage, is also eye-catching with its flexible production performance.

Turkish textile provides short deadlines by combining its geostrategic advantage with the integrated production structure in the sector.

Boutique designs acting within the framework of rapidly developing demands, underline that the sector plays a leading role in every field when combined with the rich product range.

The sector, which follows global trends very closely and puts them into practice quickly, owes its trend thinking success to its dynamic infrastructure.

Reducing water consumption from cotton to final product, minimizing energy consumption, zero waste, corporate social responsibility and reducing carbon footprint are among the most important priorities of the sector.

Priorities of the sector are; sustainability, corporate social responsibility, circular production, transparency and ethical trade.