About - I of the World

About I of The World

I of the World

Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters’ Association - ITHIB undertakes several crucial functions for the activities of the Turkish exporters abroad including organization trade delegations and trade shows internationally.

By constantly adapting to the needs of our members, an online platform to hold B2B organizations became necessary.

Hereby, I of the World will host selected and high quality suppliers and mills from all over Turkey, specializing in a wide range of product groups.

I of the World will provide an opportunity for global professionals to meet Turkish exporters, selected among top manufacturers.


Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters Association

Integrated production power, fast delivery, flexible production, fast fashion, trend thinking

In addition to having the largest textile industry infrastructure in Europe, the Turkish textile sector exports to 200 countries worldwide. The Turkish textile sector, which can successfully carry out all production stages from raw material to final product, has a privileged position on a global scale with its integrated production power...

The Turkish textile industry, which can turn its integrated production capacity of $90 billion into a fast delivery advantage, is also eye-catching with its flexible production performance. Turkish textile provides short deadlines by combining its geostrategic advantage with the integrated production structure in the sector. Boutique designs acting within the framework of rapidly developing demands, underline that the sector plays a leading role in every field when combined with the rich product range. The sector, which follows global trends very closely and puts them into practice quickly, owes its trend thinking success to its dynamic infrastructure...

Fatih BİLİCİ, Vice President of Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters Association, who made evaluations about the sector, said “As the Turkish textile sector with the largest yarn and fabric production infrastructure in Europe, we make a difference on a global scale by reflecting the historical heritage we have had for centuries to our designs. Our strong infrastructure in the supply chain enables us to respond quickly to flexible production demands, while the formation of the sector, which always remains young and dynamic, increases our ability to adapt to change.

The reaction of the sector to the major change in consumer demands in the Covid-19 pandemic is the clearest indicator of this... Reducing water consumption from cotton to final product, minimizing energy consumption, zero waste, corporate social responsibility and reducing carbon footprint are among the most important priorities of the sector!

Ahmet ÖKSÜZ, Chairman of Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters Association, who summarizes the priorities of the sector with sustainability, corporate social responsibility, circular production, transparency and ethical trade, said “We strengthen our integrated production power with our dynamic design capability. Sustainability is one of our top priorities. The common heritage of humanity is that we all have a great responsibility to protect our globe. In this context, the ability and sensitivity of our sector to produce sustainable products is very high. Hundreds of integrated textile companies have been bringing rich product varieties together with global buyers in terms of recycled textile products, zero waste and reduction of water consumption for many years”.

ITHIB, the roof organization of Turkish textile exports, underlines that it attaches great importance to the “Responsible Production and Consumption” heading of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal and carries out a very comprehensive study that will reveal the sustainability vision of the sector in this context.

Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters Association